Monday, 14 July 2008

Eat right as per your blood-type

Eat less in order to lose weight and more to gain some. Well now that’s not true as per one of the theory proposed by Dr D’Adamo. This theory says that you have to eat right food in order to gain or lose weight. And that depends on your blood-type.
A chemical reaction occurs between your blood and the foods you eat. So if you eat improper food or some food that is not best suited as per your blood-group, it may have some negative reaction on your body and digestive system.

By following a diet designed specifically for your blood type, your body digests and absorbs food more efficiently, resulting in good health.

There are four blood types that we have, Blood Group O, Blood Group A, Blood Group B, and Blood Group AB.

As per Dr D’Adamo, below is the diet for each blood types that one should follow to remain fit and to have a sound health.

Blood Group O:
Type Os should follow a high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet with lots of meat and fish but limited dairy products, wheat or grains. Eat more vegetables that are high in Vitamin K, which helps the clotting factor which is weak in Type Os. Because of the high acidity stomach, Type Os should eat fruits of alkaline nature such as berries and plums.
Food that helps to maintain weight: seafood, salt, liver, red meat, spinach, broccoli.
Food to avoid in order shedding weight: wheat, corn, kidney beans, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, mustard greens.
Foods you can eat freely include meat, fish and olive oil; foods you can eat in moderation include eggs, nuts, seeds, certain vegetables and fruits; and foods to avoid include dairy products, beans, cereals, bread, pasta and rice.
Some exercises are thought to be best for blood type O’s such as aerobics and running.

Blood Group A:
Type A’s should follow a vegetarian diet but still avoid dairy products. Vegetables are vital to the Type A’s Diet, providing minerals, enzymes and antioxidants.
Food that helps to maintain weight: vegetable oil, soy foods, vegetables, pineapple.
Food to avoid in order shedding weight: meat, dairy, kidney beans, wheat.
Foods you can eat freely include nuts, seeds, beans, cereals, pasta, rice, seafood, fruit and vegetables.
Some exercises are thought to be best for blood type A’s such as yoga or golf.

Blood Group B:
The Type B Diet is balance and wholesome, including a wide variety of foods. The only foods that need to be avoided are processed foods, although nuts and seeds aren’t recommended and only small amounts of carbohydrate-rich foods should be eaten.
Food that helps to maintain weight: greens, eggs, liver, tea.
Food to avoid in order shedding weight: wheat, corn, peanuts, sesame, seeds, buckwheat.
Foods you can eat freely include meat (no chicken), dairy, grains, beans, vegetables and fruit.
Dr D’Adamo recommends activities that have mental component, such as hiking, tennis and swimming.

Blood Group AB:
Type ABs should follow a veggie diet most of the time with some meat, fish and dairy products occasionally.
Food that helps to maintain weight: seafood, dairy, greens, pineapple.
Food to avoid in order shedding weight: red meat, corn, kidney beans, seeds, buckwheat.
Foods you can eat freely include meat, seafood, grains, vegetables, fruits, dairy products, beans.
Type AB should begin each day by drinking a glass of warm water with the freshly squeezed juice of half a lemon.

It is best to follow this diet for just a short time (one week or so) and can use it to kick-start a longer-term, healthy, weight-loss plan. One can combine the foods to eat and some foods that need to be avoided to lose weight to maintain a healthy body or to put-on some weight.